Full Devlog
Basic concept design discussed and planned (dive mechanic, melee game, office scenario)
trial of concepts and movement codes in unity (movement scripts and level layouts)
restructuring of goals based on trials
design of basic throwing projectile
implementation of throwing pen
Tutorial level started in unity
Enemies created
throwing projectile becomes primary attack, design of game shifts from melee to ranged
unity stuff - coding, building and testing various mechanics and features such as enemies, ui, health etc
tutorial level is nearly finished building
enemy scripts updated
tutorial level is fully structured and just needs to be coded and decorated
Tutorial diagrams are drawn and begin being added
Ammo scripts finalized and added
Beginning animating the enemies, and sorting out their death mechanics
Animating the enemies and their death animation became quite fun and we invested more time in making these nicer
Enemies are given attacks that are animated and coded
UI is created and added
Ui disappears in a github accident
Ui is back baby
First build of the level is made, the lighting needed fixing and the players health needed to be changed
Player death fully functioning
added steve. . .
New build is tested, only thing wrong was the death pit
death pit fixed
Level is finished and published
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